Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Imagine a world without Crime!

Can you imagine a world without criminals running free our streets? I am here to truly convince you that crime really isn't worth it and how much better the world would be without it. Crime should not play a part in our lives. Would you believe that the total crime rate in NZ, in 1996, was a whopping 477,596. Who knows what it would be today. We have even lost police officers when trying to sort something out. So I think we need to sort this nonsense out. But how can we possibly stop this growing epidemic of crime!  

Point 1. What is crime?, Why is it bad?Crime! What is it really?  According to this Oxford dictionary crime is an offence punishable by law, for example Murder, Breaking and entering and Car theft. It is simply doing things you are not supposed to do to and in our society. But why? Why is crime so bad?Because you inevitably do damage to people. You can even put their lives at risk. Only a complete idiot would think that crime would be ok. Google shows that if I murdered somebody, not that I ever would ... I could go to prison for 10 years, and that’s the minimum. The maximum time in prison for murder is 17-20 years. And by then I would have lost between 10 - 20 years of my life ... stuck in prison and I would hate that to happen.  
Point 2. Without crime, Everyone would be Happier and safer.So just think how much fun it would be without criminals. We would all feel so much safer when  walking to the supermarket at night time and not wanting any trouble, you wouldn’t lose family members before their time, you could go to places more often ... and even better the police wouldn't have to go through so much stress every day of the year! That means they would be ready for when we need them most, e.g accidents or when someone is lost.

Point 3. Without crime, imagine how much money we would have to spend on eg Schools, Hospitals instead of courts, prisons.Just think about all of the money spent each year on keeping prisons full of criminals and keeping the courts working to full capacity! If there wasn’t any crime, imagine how much extra money our governments would have! It could then be used for helping children's learning rise to the next step, updating the equipment and even better investing on making better medication for all those who need help most.
Conclusion.Just think about it for a minute, crime is bad for people, for our communities and it is certainly bad for our world.Crime should not play a part in our lives.  

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