Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Camp writing 2015 Marlborough Sounds.

Day 1

Queen Charlotte walk.

After departing off the Cougar line boat at "Lochmara Lodge and Resort", we are welcomed by the land owners and given the tour and safety rules. 
It all looks like a lovely place, and it is, but little did we know that what lay before us was a 2 hour climb and muscle pulling walk right up to the top off the Queen Charlotte. Once finished we would make our way back down to our camp site at Mistletoe Bay, where we would be staying for a couple of nights. 
As we embark on our journey to the bay we reach the outdoor art gallery where different objects crafted out of green stone are scattered around the bush track. 
With our group away tramping the bush, everyone is amazed at the incredible view over the Mistletoe bays and the water and bush life. 
Halfway now and the terrain is starting to play on our fitness and our aching bodies. The moaning and groaning of the tired team brought us to a decision to have a rest and a lunch break.
Then just as all minds were in doubt, civilization came into sight and we all rushed to our camp and straight away jumped in for a swim. 
From this point forward, the rest of the camp has settled down and all is quiet until the next day's excitement.

Day 2


"stand up paddle boards"

  As we set off down to the jetty for another day of water fun, it was not the day we had hoped for. The rain had started to fall, but that didn't worry us at all.
Once we have slipped our life jackets on, the rain had stopped and the sun beamed over the Marlborough Sounds open water. Fisher and I claimed a board each and tightened the ankle strap ready for action and adventure.
I set off out into the open water with Fisher trailing behind me on our way to find out what lay below us under the deep waters, Stingrays, Starfish, Muscles and other different sea life all share the same clear water of the Mistletoe bay and the Marlborough Sounds.
Our first encounter with the Ocean life was the ginormous Eagle Ray that lived in the shallows.
With such a large wing span, both Fisher and I screamed at it and chased it. As it got too scared it out swam me and made its way back to the deep waters.
As it was such a breathtaking spectacle we both breathed calmly and carried on with our journey.

Day 3

Hectors Dolphins

It is now the last day at Mistletoe bay and the third day on camp. We pack up our rooms/Whare and make our way down to the jetty with our luggage ready for the "Dolphin Watch ECO tours" and our ride back to Picton for our fourth and final night.
We are welcomed by our tour guide 'Tash' and our skipper 'Paul'. The safety check and life jackets are given before we depart from the docks. We are now on our way to learn about the Marlborough Sounds and its Sea life, Wild life and the history and now that keeps the charters working. 
We are driven out to so called Hectors-ville, a bay where Hectors Dolphins breed, live and raise their young.
We arrive in Hectors-ville and are told that these dolphins have a special dorsal fin, They are the only dolphins in the world whose dorsal fins are rounded and looks like Micky Mouses ears :p
I learnt that before baby calves are born, they are basically folded in half in their mother's stomach.
This was very exciting because not only did we see lots of grown adult Hectors, but we also saw lots of new born calves that actually came and played around our boat.  :D 
I felt very honoured that I could come so close to Hectors Dolphins, the smallest Dolphin species in the world. 

Day 4 

Trip Home :(

It's our final day on camp and we are at a park in Picton waiting for our Ferry to come into port.
Then within a blink of an eye the Kaitaki Inter-islander came into view and we all queued up in the line with our bags.
With hundreds of people gathering for their boat to Wellington, it was bumper to bumper all through the line. 
We are now ready to board the ship and as we are together as a school group, the kind staff gave us priority to board early. As we enter the seating lounge, we all grab a comfy seat and pull up our IPad's for research. Once the rest of the school gather, an announcement comes over the loud speaker. "Good evening to all our passengers and welcome on to the Kaitaki Inter islander, it is great to have you all sailing with us today. Just a friendly reminder to all passengers on board today, the weather conditions out through the cook straight today are very rough, 3-4 meter swells are expected and I would like to advise to you to be careful while moving amongst the vessel. Thank you."
"Wow, really, 4 meter swells, that's huge". Yelled Fisher from beside me. 
Suddenly many of the class started to get worried. Sea leg tablets were all taken and cups of ice were available.
This was deffinately a memory that I will remember for ever. 


  1. hi my name is zay i went to that camp to did you have a good day.

  2. hi i love dolfins

  3. Hi it is Tyler from apiti school
    I really like your day one for my camp i went to Marlborough Sounds as well and we had to day that big walk.
    I hope we don't have to do anther one next year
    good story.

  4. Sup
    Im Huntah and i am from apiti school.
    That camp must have been sick as.
    P.S u r pretty swag bro.

  5. Hi it's Tyler
    I really like your Day 2 .You used lots of description and I like doing the sups as well.
    You made your story really cool and you describe your self.
    I hope we can do anther cool one like that next year. Good story.
